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New way to control blood clotting using lasers and nanoparticles

Forcetoknow 2 Min Read

Engineers of Massachusetts Technological University developed the system founded on nanoparticles, with the help of…

Veebot robot capable to take blood from a vein more safely than a human

Forcetoknow 2 Min Read

The blood capture on the analysis is the most widespread medical procedure. The study captures…

Largest Black Hole in the Universe: Supermassive black hole list

Forcetoknow 5 Min Read

A black hole is an area of space where the gravity field is so strong…

Blue Carpenter Bee: Bumblebee Xylocopa Caerulea

Forcetoknow 3 Min Read

It is not an ordinary phenomenon when Nature gives us blue insects. And what do…

Lasted Science